Thursday, February 28, 2013

Where Does the Time Go?

When I was working, I measured time by all the reports that were due and by what meetings I had to attend.  Life is so different now.

It's the end of February, and Mardi Gras has come and gone.  Finally got to see Muses Parade.  We got there early and ended up watching Chaos, too.  We stood for five hours!  The next day, I was so stiff, I was walking like a robot.

We also got to see the dogs dressed up for the Krewe of Barkus.  I like to go early to see all of them together at the park,  before the actual parade starts.

That way, you can actually see the dogs instead of trying to see them through the parade crowd.  And you can pet them, find out what kind of dog it is, and find out its name.  Kind of like a crazy costume dog petting zoo...

We also went to the Color Run in City Park.
Runners paid to get a t-shirt and have packets of non-toxic colored powder thrown on them.  It reminded me of the Holi Festival in India.  Just had to go see it in person.  Afterwards, we had cafe au lait and beignets at  Morning Call just as a busload of tourists came in, and we sat next to a couple from Michigan.  Love talking with out-of-towners and hearing about their experiences.

I started taking piano lessons - the course is called, "Play Piano in a Flash."  When I took piano lessons as a kid, I never learned how to play chords.  I read music and struggled to play the notes.  Now I'm playing songs without having to struggle - it's wonderful.

I've been painting and cooking again, too.  People think they'll be bored when they retire.  Maybe so, but not me.  Some days, I'm so busy, I never even sit down long enough to watch TV.

I've been helping with preparations for Vacation Bible School, and we're doing a different kind of VBS:  Welcome to Capernaum.  We'll be showing kids what it was like during Jesus' lifetime.  I helped paint 50 fish, for the day that we're acting out the loaves and fishes.
The cats were involved with the fish, too.  They were all over the table while I was painting.  I just hope they didn't leave too many suspicious teeth marks on the fish.

Yesterday, I made a no-sew vest from a t-shirt.  Found the tutorial on Pinterest.  I also learned how to turn my long scarf into a vest.  Pinterest is like an encyclopedia for the digital age.

OK - gotta go walk Walter, and then meet a friend for lunch at a new restaurant.  Physical Therapy after that, and then communion at the Lenten Service.

Who has time to be bored?

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