Walter Eats Zucchini
We were going to be good: don't feed the dog from the table, don't give him people food, don't overfeed him.
Whenever we dropped something on the floor, it was automatic: "Walter, come eat this."
When I'm standing at the kitchen counter, chopping vegetables and something drops, Walter is right there.
It's our joke to tell each other, "Walter eats (fill in the blank with whatever new thing he's just eaten)!"
When we first brought Walter home from the SPCA, he gulped down his food in seconds. After about a year, he became more assured that he would always have food. Then he started getting picky. We tried several different brands of food and asked the vet what to do. He didn't have anything wrong with him; he's just picky.
We have sprinkled his dog kibble with feta cheese. He likes it. We've put rice in with his kibble. It doesn't matter if it's brown rice or white rice. He's a Cajun dog. He likes rice.
I bought some Armenian string cheese last week and gave him a taste. He likes that, too. Now he's an Armenian-Cajun dog. I think he likes every kind of cheese we've given him.
We've tried different fruits and vegetables. He likes apples, but not oranges. Tonight, I gave him a slice of zucchini, and he came back for another piece. Yes, Walter eats zucchini.
He doesn't like string beans. He'll take them from me, but later, I'll find them on the carpet in the dining room. It doesn't matter if he wants to eat them. He'll continue coming back for more, and there will be a collection of string beans on the carpet, which will be discovered when I step on them.
Today, I made a fried egg sandwich with whole wheat bread. Walter likes that, too.
A few days ago, Wayne said, "Walter likes strawberries!"
He hasn't gotten fat. Two out of three's not bad (see the first paragraph)....
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