If you're just joining this blog, my 60-pound dog, Walter, is very hyperactive. Earlier this week, when we went for a walk, we stopped to visit with a new neighbor, and another neighbor stopped by with her dog. Walter got rowdy and ran into my knee sideways - aaagggghhhhhh!!!
When I told my physical therapist, she said, "Get rid of the dog!" I told her, I thought she would say that. The physical therapy technician said he was going to make t-shirts that said, "Save Walter!" I laughed.
I walked very slowly the rest of the week, and I didn't do much other exercise on my knee. I used my compression sleeve, applied ice, and elevated it. I thought it was getting a little better, but then my other knee started "snapping," kind of like when you tried doing splits and you pulled a groin muscle - remember the "pop" you felt? Yeah, that's what it felt like in my knee. Oy vey...
So now I'm wearing compression sleeves on both of my knees, elevating them, applying ice, and trying to take it easy with a little less exercise.
Well, this afternoon, I let Walter out in the backyard so he could run around. The first thing he did was chase Linus, the orange and white cat, over the fence. Linus was not very happy about being rushed out of the backyard. Sorry, Linus. If I had seen you, I would have given you more of a head start.
The next thing Walter did was scarf up the kitty kibble food. Meanwhile, I cut a piece of iris leaf to use in making a cross. There's a video on how to make a palm cross, but I thought I'd try it with an iris leaf. It didn't work out too well, so I went back outside, and then realized Walter was missing. It had been a while since I've done a perimeter check because we hadn't let him out in the backyard since he was going for three walks a day with us. I found some loose fence boards, and I figured that was where he made a break for it.
I yelled for Wayne, and we hopped in his truck to look for Walter. We'd just turned the corner and lo and behold, there was Walter, as happy as he could be, running in the street. I jumped of the truck, and Walter came running up to me. I snapped the leash on, and he jumped into the truck. Thank You, God!
Wayne went to the hardware store as soon as we got home, and I gave Walter a bath. He'd been running hard and had worked up a good doggy sweat.
After towel drying him, I used the blow dryer to complete Walter's "toilette." That's his favorite part. He rolled around on the carpet to express his joy.
I went in the backyard to see Wayne's progress on the fence. He works fast. He'd already fixed the loose boards. All of a sudden, I realized that the neighbor behind us had palms. I don't think I ever would have seen them except that Walter made a break for it, and Wayne repaired the fence.
I cut off a palm frond, looked at the video online to see, step-by-step, how to make the palm cross, and it worked! Here's the link:
It's pretty easy with a palm frond compared to an iris leaf.
You see how God works all things together for good? How marvelous is that?
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